ECoNA promotes interdisciplinary projects in the following research areas:
- Psychology of cognitive processes
- Neural Networks
- Non-linear Dynamics
- Natural Language Processing
- Logics, languages and methods of programming
- Psychophysiology and Neuropsychology
- Modeling human mental processes
- Pedagogical communication
- Education with support of intelligent processors
- Probabilistic approaches to uncertainty situations
- Learning processes
These projects are particularly intended to practical applications, with innovations arising from the ECoNA's interdisciplinarity.
Special attention is given to the following topics:
- Pattern recognition
- Communication systems (linguistic or generic)
- Issues of human-machine interaction
- Intelligent Educational Systems
- Data-base management
- Optimization of cognitive strategies according to their complexity
- Learning methods in natural and artificial systems
- Knowledge representation
- Expert systems and decision-making supports
- Problems of adaptation and organism-environment relations
- Systems for extraction and classification of features
- Robotics
- Planning problems and strategy-making
- Issues of environmental planning
- Automatic methods of software development